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1.  How do display ads vary from classified ads?
Display ads are found throughout magazines and newspapers with the exception of classified ads section. They appear in many assorted shapes and sizes and can appear in colour and black and white.
2.  How do display ads vary from classified ads?
Display ads are found throughout magazines and newspapers with the exception of classified ads section. They appear in many assorted shapes and sizes and can appear in colour and black and white. Classified ads, conversely, are ads that are exclusively found in the classifieds section. They could use photos and designs to differentiate them from articles and other content in magazines and newspapers. However they are often text-only with a limit selection of font and font types to choose from. Classified ads are usually separated by the service or products they are selling an may even be an insert in the newspaper or magazine.
3.  Who should design my print ad?
With powerful desktop publishing software available at affordable prices, you could do it by yourself. You could also choose to hire a graphic designer, use an ad agency or get the publication you chose to advertise in to do it for you.
4.  What are headlines and are they necessary?
In advertising, a headline refers to the title that catch the viewer's interest immediately. Headlines are highly encouraged as they draw in the reader into the rest of the ad.
5.  What are ways to ensure that my ads are effective?
Trying out advertising for a while and depending solely on sales is a tried, tested and true method for seeing for yourself if your advertising is working. By monitoring how well your sales are doing when you're advertising and seeing how they do without advertising, you'll be able to get a grasp of the effectiveness of your advertising. Ad-specific tracking devices which include a different URL or telephone printed where ever the ad appears allow you to measure where your ad is picking up the most traction. A similar tactic is to include a coupon or a coupon code with your advertisement. If you vary them where every one of your ads are printed you'll be able to see where customers are coming across your ad the most. Simply asking your customers where they heard of you when preforming transactions is a simple yet effective way to understand if your advertising is working.

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