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Print Advertising

1.  What choice of ads do newspapers usually offer?
Typically you'll have a selection of classified ads, free-standing inserts, display ads and display classified ads.
2.  How do display ads vary from classified ads?
Display ads are found throughout magazines and newspapers with the exception of classified ads section. They appear in many assorted shapes and sizes and can appear in colour and black and white.
3.  How do display ads vary from classified ads?
Display ads are found throughout magazines and newspapers with the exception of classified ads section. They appear in many assorted shapes and sizes and can appear in colour and black and white. Classified ads, conversely, are ads that are exclusively found in the classifieds section. They could use photos and designs to differentiate them from articles and other content in magazines and newspapers. However they are often text-only with a limit selection of font and font types to choose from. Classified ads are usually separated by the service or products they are selling an may even be an insert in the newspaper or magazine.
4.  What does CPM stand for and why is it important?
CPM is short for cost-per-thousand and is a formula that helps ad buyers compare how much ad space costs between publications. The formula works by dividing the cost of an ad by its circulation in thousands - CPM is the result. For example if the cost of an ad is $2000.00 in a magazine with a circulation of 40,000. The formula is: $2000/40 = A CPM of $50
5.  How much should I budget for advertising?
There isn't a set amount for advertising that tends to work for everyone; however the typical company spends about 3 to 10 per cent of their budget on advertising. Spending on the higher end of the scale isn't uncommon for more successful companies as they often value advertising and attribute it to their success. We suggest trying spending a certain amount on advertising at first and changing the amount depending on the outcome. An easy way to keep track of the effectiveness of your advertising is ask your customers where they heard of your business through surveys.
6.  What are cost-efficient ways to advertise?
Try advertising in local publications as oppose to national magazines and newspapers. If local advertising proves to still be costly, find more unique ways to advertise which will still legitimatize your business.

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