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14 Aug, 2012

How Advertising Connects with Students

Reaching out to potential consumers early is the way to keep them loyal for years to come.

For years, advertisers have addressed the coveted 18-24 demographic in hopes of gaining customer loyalty from younger consumers. With technology becoming more significant in reaching out to your target market, it’s no surprise that the well-connected crowd of students and young professionals are aware of new trends and products immediately. While younger customers might not always have a lot of extra cash to spend, it’s becoming increasingly popular to distribute samples, coupons, or ads on campuses.

Advertising tells us that reaching out to potential consumers early is the way to keep them loyal for years to come. Perhaps this has always been true, but it’s never been more relevant than today- in the age of social media. University and college students, who are constantly on a budget with little disposable income, are frequently searching for bargains and the latest deals online. Companies who are interested in this age group understand this fact, and promote their wares with the help of student discounts (such as the Student Price Card, or SPC) and online-only specials.

Now, logging on to Twitter or Facebook and checking the business pages of your favourite retailers can give a prospective buyers in their early twenties a sense of what your company has to offer. It’s never been easier to promote a sale, whether it’s through a rewards program, store newsletter which are sent out through email, or a points system. With text and Facebook updates available on smartphones at a moment’s notice, the way advertisers connect with youth has changed for the better.

Sites such as Groupon, Dealfind, and Buytopia work in a similar format, offering immediate deals to buyers who they know are tech savvy and ready to purchase on impulse if the deal is tempting enough. Online advertising and marketing make it much more convenient to connect with a younger demographic, who have also become more aware of companies’ ethical practices, respect for the environment, and charitable initiatives. At the end of the day, students know which brands they can rely on for a busy collegiate lifestyle, and it’s these brands which earn their respect through smart advertising!

Fatima Syed

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