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19 Jun, 2012

Effective Advertising.

Effective Advertising.

Maximize the potential of your ads.

With advertising as ubiquitous as it is today, it is easy for your ad campaign to get lost in the noise. With the following simple items in mind, you could maximize the potential of your company's advertisements.

When searching for new places to advertise in print or online, SF Gate recommends that you are aware of the content of the proposed place where you choose to advertise. Take time out to familiarize yourself with the publication and make sure the content it provides attracts the audience that you believe will be interested in your product or service. SF Gate also notes that advertising in daily newspapers is a very effective way to get an attentive and engaged audience. While doing this, the site suggests to keep tabs on who else would be competing for your customer's eyes, which may already include other businesses with similar products and services to your own.

Some say newspaper ads rank the highest for believability, provide a wide variety of low-cost options with many different shapes and sizes (including inserts) and have a high readership. Magazines, on the other hand, offer great full colour reproductions of your ads, often have strong reader loyalty, stay on the newsstands longer and are often passed onto other readers.

When it comes time to produce your ad, Gerard J. Tellis suggests that consumers may buy your product for a variety of reasons in Effective Advertising: Understanding When, How, and Why Advertising Works. To ensure the effectiveness of your ad campaign you must understand that different types of media have different effects on the consumer. Some customers for example, may respond to your advertisement on delay, perhaps a few days after viewing it. Tellis also noted that when planning your campaign note that repetition is key. Many advertisers have come to use campaigns for an extended period of time and the effectiveness of those campaigns may change over time. Advertisers should also note that each viewer comes to the presented product with a different amount of awareness of it and should adjust their campaign accordingly.

Dexter Brown

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